Student Solution


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Leadership Strategies for a Changing world_Unit 6 Discussion 1

unit 6 Discussion 1

Q Topic 1: Developing Ethical Political Strategies Many people have a rather negative view of organizational politics due to unfavorable situations experienced in the workplace. However, there are specific political tactics and strategies that are actually very positive and ethical. These are divided into three general categories: gaining power, building relationships, and avoiding political blunders. Based on your last name (see below), select one of the strategies that you do well in that category and explain how it may have worked well for you thus far. Next, select two of the strategies in that category that you could improve upon and provide recommendations for accomplishing this in the next three to six months. Category Assignments: • Gaining power: Last name begins with A-J • Building relationships: Last name begins with K-R • Avoiding political blunders: Last name begins with S-Z

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The methods that are ethical political are positioned into 3 related groups – the ones targeted at power being gained in a direct manner, the ones targeted at developing relationships with coworkers and superiors, and the ones targeted at evading political blunders. The leader is assisted by all these tactics to retain or gain power and the leader was assisted by them to manage and succeed a stressful environment of work (Power and Politics, 2018).